Homework #6

Chapter 4: 25, 47, 48, 55 (3rd edition: 23, 44, 45, 52)

as well as:

In class (and in problem 4.34) we derived a expression for the entropy in terms of T and V that was valid for any fluid,

dS = (Cv/T)dT + (alpha/kappa)dV .

Using a similar procedure, derive the analogous expression in terms of T and P.


4.25: First find the molality of the solutions with given wt% of ZnCl2. Note that wt% = [ wt/(wt+1000 g) ] x 100%, where wt is the weight of solute in 1000 g of solvent. You'll also need the total volume of solution with total mass = 1000 g + wt. Utilize the density for this. Finally, the partial molar volume is defined by Eq. 4.48 in the text which requires the derivative of volume vs. molality. Hence, fit the V vs. m values to a polynomial or interpolate and then take the derivative at the molality specified.

4.47: this is an isothermal process