Hints and numerical answers for HW#6

(1) Hint: Your starting point is Cp,m - Cv,m = TVm alpha2/kappa . There's some algebra here, just be persistent.

(2) DS = -11.4 J K-1 mol-1

     Hint: Note that one can relate the pressure dependence of S on the molar volume and the cubic expansion coeff.

(3) some partial derivatives to do here...

(4) (a) -6.86 x 10-11 m3/(mol K)

      (b) Cp (104 bar) = 27.8 J K-1 mol-1

      Note that the SI unit of pressure is the Pascal (1 bar = 105 Pa)

(5) -1.10 kJ/mol

(6) (a) -6.71 kJ/mol


(8) DH = 5.58 kJ/mol ; DS = 16.4 J K-1 mol-1 ; DU = 5.49 kJ/mol

Hints: Break this irreversible process into 2 reversible steps (constant P and constant T). Note how alpha and kappa can be used to determine the molar volume under constant pressure and constant temperature conditions, respectively. The constant temperature process will require some of our new expressions for dH and dS in terms of alpha and the molar volume.\

(9) 94.4 bar