Homework #8

Chapter 5 from S&A: 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 10, 14, 15, 16


When you work equilibrium problems, always start with an equilibrium table that states (at least) the number of initial amounts and amounts at equilibrium.

3) Note that the average molecular weight in terms of mole fractions (yi) is:

     Avg_MW = y1 * MW1 + y2 * MW2 (for species 1 and 2)

7) my answers are: (a) 9.65 g (b) 1.46 bar, 1.19 bar, 0.033 bar

8) The answer in the back is incorrect, the pressure factor should be (Po/P)2 and not (Po/P)

15) Hint: consider the formation reactions, 4C(graphite) + 5H2(g) -> C4H10(g,iso or n)

16) Hint: The property that you want to calculate and plot is Gr, not DGr. Remember that G = Sum (ni * mui) and the number of moles of each species is directly related to the extent of reaction (see Sec. 5.3). So you'll need to derive an expression for Gr in terms of the extent of reaction and the mole fractions of n-butane and iso-butane (also expressed in terms of the extent of reaction). Note that the standard chemical potential of a species is equivalent to the standard Gibbs energy of formation of that species (see Eq. 5.7).