Homework #10

Chapter 7: 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 15a-c, 18, 23


Use Table C.2 where appropriate

7.4) Assume that "molar" means "molal". For dilute water solutions molarity and molality are approximately equal.

7.5) You can assume that since the ionic strength of the Ag2CrO4/H2O solution is very small, gamma = 1 in this case. Recognize that the equilibrium constant for the dissolution process is the same in both pure water and NaNO3.

7.6) part b : the answer in the back of the book should be 0.08 m.

7.9) See section 7.5 in the text, pg. 231-232 (4th ed.; 7.6 in the 3rd ed). The answer in the back of the book for part a is too large by a factor of 10.