Errors in Benjamin-Cummings edition of Engel and Reid, Fall 2005

Chapter 1:

p.4, Sec. 1.3: refers to Eq(1.3) incorrectly as 1.4

p.5: Charles law incorrectly attributed to Robert Boyle. Affects caption to Fig. 1.2 as well

p.5: Eq.(1.6) have a lim(P->0) in it?

1.15: Mi refers to the molecular mass of component i.

1.17: the units of the molar volume should be L/mol

Appendix B, Table 4.1: Cp should be Cp,m

Chapter 2:

Solutions: 2.7 incorrectly has a minus sign before Delta_U on 1st line

in back of book answers, 2.18 is incorrect. w incorrectly specified as zero

in solutions, 2.22b are incorrect: Delta_U is missing multiplication by 1.5

in solutions, 2.28 incorrect in last step. Should be 1.58 * 298 = 472 K (answer in back of book also incorrect)

Chapter 3:

solutions manual:

Problem 3.16 is messed up in the denominator (Au specified instead of ice).

Prob. 3.31: same as 3.22; Also in 3.31 the last line should be dU/dV and not dV/dV.


Sec. 3.7: Joule-Thomson experiment (not Thompson)

Chapter 4:

Sec. 4.2: Temperature is normally not part of the "standard state" definition. Usually just pressure of 1 bar at the specified T.

There is no distinction between a standard state and an element's reference state in the text. (to define the formation reaction) This is not correct.

Text after Eq(4.24): Heats of formation for elements in their reference states are zero for ALL T. (See JANAF)


4.1a) incorrect (calculator errors)

4.8) several errors here

4.13) The answer is off by a factor of 2. Heats of formation are always defined as per mole of compound.

4.15) a temperature of 373.15K is used for H2O(l)->H2O(g) even though the text specifies 298K. This seems to be an odd way to consider a phase change here.

4.21) A temperature specification is missing (298.15 K assumed?)

The data tables in the Appendices often don't specify the temperature of 298.15 K (e.g., 4.1, etc.)

Chapter 5:


5.4) Intermediate results that were rounded too early were used here. The c-d step should have a Delta_S of 8.73 J/K.

5.6) 2nd to last line has mistakenly omitted the last term arising from T-cubed and the 2nd term in the brackets is too large by a factor of 10 (should be 0.01187, not 0.1187).

5.21) Delta_S = 9.4 J/K. One has to assume a pressure of 1 atm, an adiabatic container, and a transition temp of 273 K instead of 273.15. Here as elsewhere the solutions use values of constants not available to the student, e.g., a heat capacity of water of 75.291 J/K-mol instead of 75.3 that is given in the appendix, or a heat of fusion of 6008 J/mol instead of 6010 J/mol that is found in the text. This leads to slightly different answers than what the student might get, i.e, confusion.

Chapter 6:

Text around 6.33: again I would take exception to defining the standard state at 298.15 K.

Equation 6.37. In the top half of this box, the Delta_H should not be within the parenthesis, i.e., I believe it should be Delta_H d(1/T)

solutions: 6.9) The solutions state that the standard state pressure is 1 atm while it should be 1 bar. The problem is set up for 1 atm, but this should probably be set up for 1 bar.

In fact, many of these problems are formulated for 1 atm and the solutions seem to imply a standard pressure of 1 atm rather than 1 bar (which is what the text is correctly set up for).

6.10a) there is a power of 1/2 missing in the expression for Kp in regards to the O2 pressure.

6.28 b) the wrong values for Delta_G and Delta_H at 298K are used here.

c) the degree of dissociation should be xi/2 and not xi/(2-xi).

Chapter 7:

P7.11) The amount of work should be -10.29 kJ

P7.23: The term activity coefficient should be fugacity coefficient (2 places). Also at 300 bar, the fugacity coefficient is 0.407.

Eqn. 8.17: Why is this not refered to as the Clausius-Clapeyron eqn?

Chapter 8:

Q8.7: this should say that it's because the fp changes only very slightly with pressure

P8.1: in part (a) there is a negative sign missing in the solutions just before the answer of 110 is obtained.

P8.29: a DH(vap) and liquid density of 6010 and 997 are specified in the text, but values of 6008 and 998 are used in the solutions. This yields slightly different results for DT.

Chapter 9:

In Figure 9.15, the values at x=0 and x=1 do not seem to make much sense if you are looking at the partial molar volumes of chloroform and acetone, respectively. Perhaps these are limiting values, but it would seem to cause a little confusion.

In Example 9.13, setting the problem up in terms of concentration-based activities is a little strange when you have a gas and a liquid in the equilibrium. It would be ok, but it seems like this implies Kc (not Kp) and there is a factor of RT missing in the solution to part a. Generally I would think the gas would be just in terms of a activity=fugacity and the liquid as a Henry's law activity (and omitting the step which seems to put everything in terms of activity coefficients and and concentrations).

Problem 9.10: in the solution to part a the part in parenthesis should have a minus sign rather than an equals sign. Problem 9.15: in the solution, reference is made to P9.15 instead of P9.14. Problem 9.16 and 9.17: The prefered method to plot Pi/xi vs. xi (or Pi/mi vs. mi) and take the y-intercept (xi or mi =0) as k. Problem 9.18: the solution uses 0.7873 g/cm3 for the density rather than the value of 0.7893 as given in the text of the problem. The correct answer should be -4.0 cm3. Also, in the text of this problem, the first sentence should start as "The partial molar volumes of water and ethanol in a solution..."

Chapter 10:

In Eq. 10.4 and below (with Table 10.), it is confusing why the notation Sf is introduced instead of Delta Sf. Sf is not a 3rd law entropy, just the standard entropy change in the formation reaction. It is true that the absolute molar entropy of H+(aq) is also set to zero for historical reasons, but this implies that the absolute molar entropy of a free electron is equal to half the molar entropy of H2(g) at all temperatures. Perhaps some mention of this in the text could be given.

In Sec. 10.3, I believe the shorthand notation 1-1 electrolyte, 2-3 electrolyte, etc. are defined differently than most texts. Generally these number refer to the charge numbers, not to the stoichiometric coefficients.

In Eq. 10.24 and 10.25 I believe there are factors of "nu" missing in front of the mu+- just to the right of the 1st = , i.e., musolute = nu mu+- = .... In this regard, Eq. 10.23 seems a little out of place since it's given strictly in terms of musolute without mention of mu+-.

On the top of page 233, discussing Fig. 10.6, the deviation from the D-H limiting law should start at sqrt(I)=0.06 for CaCl2 rather than 0.006. Otherwise the scale on the plot seems incorrect.

Chapter 11:

P11.2: Delta_G = -713.2 kJ/mol (minus sign is missing)

P11.19: The wording should be improved to better note that there really are two calculations to be done here.